I cannot express enough gratitude for what my coach has done for me. She really helped me focus on what it was that I needed to do in order to grow my business, as well as other parts of my life. After each session, I was instantly inspired and motivated and able to bring my new found wisdom and inspiration to my team. This has resulted in increased business both in product sales and in new clients.
When I first met my coach, I had many ideas of what I would like to do to expand my business but I had no idea where to start. My salon's current system was easy but not effective. I wanted to get my salon online in hopes of expanding our client base. She heard my concerns and then helped me realize what I needed to do to make the necessary changes.
She told me what I needed to hear and no matter how brutally honest she was, she was always right! This allowed me to see what it was I needed to do and I was able to really "kick" myself into action. Now, I finally have a beautiful and functioning website for my salon. I also have new computer software that has elevated my business; allowing me to go “digital” and be more effective in managing my money, my time and my inventory.
I have to be honest and say that it wasn't always easy, but I couldn’t be happier with my results. My coach has been a pleasure to work with and I cannot thank her enough for what she has done for me.