Customized Career, Business and Personal Consulting and Coaching Services

At AWARE Consulting, we provide a range of Consulting and Coaching programs designed to maximize YOUR effectiveness and to support you to bring your dreams to fruition.

Regardless of whether you are starting a new business, expanding a current career or looking for what is next, all of the areas we focus on include personal development. After all, knowing and understanding yourself is the access to success. If you are clear about your skills, abilities, weaknesses and strengths, you will win at the game of business. Insights gained about yourself and the way in which your behavior impacts you and others could be the missing link to producing the results you want. That’s where our Consulting and Coaching Services can make a huge difference for you.

Studies have shown that using behavioral and motivational assessment tools can provide the kind of valuable insights needed to powerfully impact your effectiveness in life and your career.

Our Internationally accredited AWARE assessment tools are all grounded in scientific data and can be validated with every measure in the assessment industry. All members of our team are Certified Professional Behavior and Motivators Analysts. They are experienced in delivery of this information and each has both the knowledge and know-how to make a difference for you.

Our Consultants work with you to attain the wisdom you need and the ability to successfully apply the knowledge gained from these assessments; supporting you to create a successful, fully satisfying business or fulfilled career.

Our Commitment:

We want every person we work with to understand the importance of…

» Your Vision & Mission – Understanding your core values and what inspires and moves you to action are key aspects of securing your success in life. Building a business that fulfills on what you are committed to is truly what will have you be successful. That is why we spend the first part of the work we do together getting clear about your purpose in life, your core values and your driving principles. After all, if you do not know where you stand, how will you effective convey your message to your clients and customers?

Your message, principles, values and those things that are important to you are what will drive your business. Knowing what they are is critical to you successfully designing your future.

» A Professional Curriculum – Every consulting interaction we have with you will move you forward in designing your future career. Because we want to satisfaction and a clear path to your future success, everything we do will be geared to making that happen. From the assessments we use to the coaching you receive, all are designed for you to get the most out of the work we do together.

» Proven Expertise and Experience – We deliver powerful consulting and coaching solutions to our clients. We want to encourage you to look through our testimonials and see what our clients say about the work we do with them. Our international reputation is stellar and we stand behind all the work we have done.

» Key factors in the quality of our work; the depth and width of our coaching professionalism. What sets up apart is that AWARE Consulting coaches have more than 10,000 hours in the practice of business and personal coaching.

» The Strength of our Reputation. We are committed to maintaining the highest retention rate in the industry* – Our goal is the same as yours – satisfied clients. We work tirelessly to ensure every client has amazing breakthroughs that move them forward in life and or business. Our team of expert coaches are unlike any others and will ensure that will be clear and satisfied that you are on the right path to securing the future you want and the career you are committed to.

*statistics attained through informal surveys of industry coaching teams.